Ministry with Children
Meet Stephanie Brown, our head nursery attendant.
Children are an important part of our community...
On Sunday mornings we have two paid and screened nursery attendants who watch over the little ones age four and under during worship (though infants and kids of all ages are also VERY welcome to stay with their families throughout the whole service). Our nursery is located in Mission Hall.
A Weekly Ministry for elementary school aged children
Meet Kathryn Ivy, our TWIGS ministry leader.
Children in Worship
We love when children worship God!
We have worship bags available in the Narthex of the church, filled with puzzles, colors, and other activities to help keep your children's attention during the service.
During worship we have a children’s sermon during which kids are invited to come to the front of the church to hear a special message from the pastor (a parent or older sibling is welcome to accompany them if nervous).
The children will be given an age appropriate bulletin during the children's sermon with activities for them.
Safe Spaces at Lakehills UMC
Children are important to God and so they are important to us. We want all children to be safe when they are here at Lakehills UMC. If you would like to read our policies for creating a safe space for children, youth and vulnerable adults, please visit
If you are interested in working with our children, please contact the church office or Pastor Dawn at
In order to be certified to work with children, youth or vulnerable adults at Lakehills UMC, you must complete Trusted Con Confianza certification program. It is a three-step process, listed below.
1) Complete your background check at
2) Complete the online training with Safe Gatherings
3) Complete an additional 2 hour training course with a certified trainer for Trusted Con Confianza via a webinar or in-person class.
For more information about our policy or further details, please visit the Trusted Con Confianza website.
Ministry ➡ Children | Youth | Adults | Fellowship | Partners in Ministry